Two player teams, play two other teams each night, best of 5 to 11

  • Five Wednesdays 15 March – 12 April @ Empire TTC Hall (04 568 6054)
  • Open from 6:30pm, matches to start 7pm

FEES                   $8 per player per Wednesday to the duty official before play.

ENTER               by Thurs 9 March via your club or (we match extras into composite teams).  A team can have any number of players but only two play per match.

FORMAT           2 Player teams: each team plays two matches (against two other teams) each Wednesday – each team vs. team match is two singles each player (best of 5 to 11) plus a one-set doubles (best of 1 to 11) played only as a tie break if it is 2-all.  i.e. each night you play four singles and sometimes also one or two doubles sets.

STRUCTURE     Divisions, depending on entries.  Match sheets will be kept for tie breaking.

RESULTS           Available and printed for display on the ETTC wall.

CONDUCT        The TTW Code of Conduct (see the website) will be enforced.

BALLS                White 3-star balls will be provided; accordingly, you must wear non-white shirts.

RESERVES         Each team find your own fill-ins. Consider rotating a third player in your team.


  • Players must belong to an affiliated club except as approved in special circumstances. They may play for different clubs. It is not a club-based competition.
  • If a team (one or both players) fails to turn up without giving 24 hours’ notice to the interclub committee, they may be liable for the match fees of both teams in their contest for that week.  Rescheduling matches is a last resort.
  • Reserves must preferably be of a similar standard of play OR of a slightly lesser standard. (Check if in doubt)
  • Table Tennis Wellington reserves the right to modify or cancel this event.
  • A good level of sportsmanship is required at our events.  Disrespect, intimidation, or bullying towards players, spectators and officials is not acceptable.  To protect the integrity of the competition, the rights of players and officials to a safe environment, and the TTW Code of Conduct and Child Policy, the TTW interclub or executive committee reserves the right to suspend or expel a player from the competition and also to bar a player from entry into or spectating at this competition.  There shall be no rights of appeal. The above notwithstanding, the TTW Code of Conduct will be enforced, and Child Policy followed.  For most issues, the TTW on-duty night official can resolve any disputes on the night except that matters may be raised for the TTW interclub or executive committees for consideration afterwards. By entering, being entered, or by turning up you agree to abide by this document, the TTW Code of Conduct and the TTW Child Policy.